Wednesday, November 23, 2016


How to learn whether the husband changes, whether your assumptions are right or it is only groundless jealousy? Many women at the intuitive level begin to understand that the husband behaves quite strange and perhaps it has other woman, however, it is yet not an occasion to begin to sort out the relations as any man is guilty it or not, will disprove your conjectures. According to psychologists there is a set of ways, to learn whether your husband changes and whether there are reasons for jealousy.

Many men changing to the wives are able to disguise the change so well that it is difficult to catch them in a lie, and therefore, first of all, it is worth paying attention to external signs — change of his behavior, a habitual daily routine. Analyse that is pleasant to men to be (read) in women and try to correspond to this ideal to avoid changes of the spouse.


One of sure signs to learn whether changes your blessed, check of its mobile phone is, it needs to keep in contact with the new woman. In most cases, when the man brings the mistress, he tries to delete in due time messages, all the time hides phone, moving away him from a reach zone that the wife had to it no access.

Recently even more often the man writes down number of the mistress under a man's name not to cause suspicions of the wife that considerably complicates an opportunity to learn about whether it has other woman. If you have a reason for jealousy, then observe how often your husband writes messages and calls also whom whether there is it at the same time that you did not hear conversation.


Unexpected interest of the man in the appearance can begin one of calls to sound alarm, especially, if earlier it could wear the same t-shirt and jeans every day. Sharp change of the relation to the appearance at men, as a rule, appears in case it wants to be pleasant to the woman who became interested in it, he begins to watch how he puts on, has more often a shave, wants to look fresh and is tidy. It would seem what bad is in that, the man watches himself? If you did not notice it behind it earlier, then it means rather that he tries to win the new woman, for you, in his opinion, it looks naturally and it is pleasant anyway.


Sex for men plays an important role and if you feel that he grew cold to you, it needs your attention more and more seldom, then it can serve one of signs of man's change. When the man has a mistress, he will begin to show less interest in you in the sexual plan, representatives of a strong half of mankind cannot pretend to be in a bed. They can be scattered in compliments as much as necessary, tell tall tales to confuse you, to assure of the fidelity and endless love, but existence to the constant mistress anyway to be reflected in your sexual life, not only the quantity, but also quality can decrease.

As one more sure sign how to learn whether the husband changes outflow of money from the family budget, an opportunity to have the mistress, pleasure not from cheap can serve. Also it is worth paying attention to behavior of the spouse, change of its habitual daily routine as often he is late at work, meets friends. Sometimes the reason of strange behavior and isolation of the husband, can become troubles at work about which he does not want to tell and if you managed to accuse darling of change, without having understood, it is worth thinking of how to reconcile with the husband and to let it know that you are always ready to support him.

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