Massage as a method of treatment has a long tradition and has been used for many centuries throughout the world to treat a variety of disorders and reduce the severity of their manifestations. Massage helps to relax and improve the quality of the resting state, which allows the body's forces to concentrate on fighting the disease, and not with problems caused by stress.
To achieve the state of relaxation is effective as a head and face massage, and a back and neck massage. The strained, numb muscles of the upper back and neck, which are often the result of poor posture, can cause headaches, increase insomnia and lead to excessive relaxation of the opposite group of muscles of the chest. As a result, the airways are squeezed, and the condition of patients with allergies such as hay fever and asthma, in which respiration is affected, deteriorates. Massage of the back and neck can relieve tension from the muscles involved in breathing, and reduce discomfort. Face and head massage, especially with hay fever, not only relaxes muscles, but also helps absorb excess fluid around the nose and eyes, reduce tension and irritation of facial tissues.
The materials used:
The deep relaxation created by the massage also removes the negative effects of stress and allows the autonomic nervous system to restore balance, which prevents hyper-reaction from the parasympathetic nervous system to the presence of allergens, stops the development of the allergic reaction and all associated manifestations.
Preparation. Choose a quiet warm room and spend half an hour to massage, so that no one bothers you, turn off the phone and an answering machine. Undress to the waist and remove all ornaments, then lie on a hard surface bed or floor, put a warm towel on the pillow;
Back and neck massage. Lubricate the hands with oil and put on the body of the person being massaged, with the thumbs on either side of the spine under the shoulder blades, and the remaining fingers should be pointed toward the neck.
1. Stroke the upper part of the neck, shoulders (across) with effort and descend to the back, trying to adjust your hands to the shape of the body. Continue until the whole area is covered with oil. From strokes, go to light circular motions as you move up your back. Repeat these movements until the patient relaxes and becomes accustomed to your hands.
2. Beginning with the site of the spine from the top of the scapula, palm out the muscles that go from the spine to the base of the skull, while doing small circular movements (but do not press too hard on the base of the skull, this is dangerous.) Finish stroking.
3. Slice the muscle of the right and left shoulders separately from the neck to the end. To grasp this muscle, act with both hands. Take the muscle first with one hand, trying not to pinch it; Then relax and grasp the muscle with the other hand. This large muscle can be very tense, and it can have painful patches. If they are found, gently press them with your thumbs and massage these points with continuous circular motions, then wait a few seconds and stop the massage. Repeat this procedure five times, and then go to another sensitive area or continue to knead the muscle. Complete massage with stroking movements.
Massage of the head and face. Place the person being massaged on the back, the head should be on a pillow covered with a towel. Stand or kneel behind his head; Put on the hands of massage oil, always make sure that the oil does not get into your eyes.
1. Grasp the jaw with your hands and do stroking along the face up and across your forehead; Hold a pause, lightly press your hands. Then, using only your fingers, gently stroke each side of the nose and move across the line of the jaw to the fossa that is in front of the ear above the malar bone. Hold the pause and press down again. Carefully watch that the skin is not too stretched when moving downwards.
2. Using the fingers of both hands, make strokes in the direction from the neck to the jaw line. In small circular movements, stroke your cheeks with your fingertips, moving up and out.
3. Put your thumbs on the bridge of the nose and start stroking towards the temples. Stop at the hair line and press down with your hands. Repeat, moving towards the forehead until you reach the hair line. Continue stroking in a circular motion, using the pads of large or other fingers.
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